Demo Out Now!

Happy New Year!

Hope everyone's having a lovely holiday and sorry for the radio silence around here, but we're back now and determined to finish this project. To start the new year off, we're releasing a short demo (roughly 20k words long or at least 30-ish min long if you play through all the scenes) for PPN! Progress on this project has been slow due to busy schedules and the rest of the team being unable to get in contact with the character artist, but the good news is we've only got Kazuya's endings left to write and coding! Bad news is, we've technically also got the CGs left but as we can't get in contact with our artist, we're now going to have to look for someone else to complete the CGs for the game. If you are interested, feel free to shoot us a message or leave a comment! We're going to need a minimum of 3 CGs, for the ending scenes, but we could potentially use 2 - 3 more CGs each for Kazuya/Haruto's individual scenes. Note, since this is a free project, this is unfortunately not a paid position, but you will of course be credited accordingly! 

Hope you enjoy the demo if you end up checking it out and feel free to leave a comment, as we are always open to feedback! As for the game's final release date, it's definitely going to be in the first half of 2020, but it really depends on how much we need to tweak, whether we are going to end up including CGs or not and how long the coding process is going to take. Hopefully, it'll be sooner than later, but we won't give any more estimates until we're 99% certain.


Jan 04, 2020 601 MB
Jan 04, 2020
PPN-Demo-linux.tar.bz2 583 MB
Jan 04, 2020

Get Project: Perfectly Normal

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